Enroll in a Plant-A-Tree℠ Plan and Help the Environment! Sign Up Today!

About the Plant-A-Tree℠
Our forests provide wood for our homes, habitat for wildlife, clean air, and drinking water for millions of us. They give us awe-inspiring beauty and places for hiking, biking, fishing, and camping. Since 2011, YEP Energy has been providing customers a simple way to help forests and protect our wildlife and the environment, through its partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation. YEP' Plant-A-Tree Plans℠ have planted over 50,000 trees in National Forests across America**.
YEP has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to enable you to make a direct impact in the reforestation and conservation effort. For each month of energy service for each meter under a YEP Plant-A-Tree Plan℠, a tree will be sponsored by YEP and then planted through the Arbor Day Foundation. That's 12 trees per year for each meter at your home or business. Your enrollment in this plan allows you to make a positive impact on our great outdoors simply through your daily routine!
What can one tree do?
"If you plant a tree today on the west side of your home, in 5 years your energy bills should be 3% less. In 15 years, the savings will be nearly 12%." - Dr. E. Greg McPherson, Center for Urban Forest Research
"One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and puts out four tons of oxygen. This is enough to meet the annual needs of 18 people." - U.S. Department of Agriculture
"The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to ten room-size air conditions operating 20 hours a day." - U.S. Department of Agriculture
About the Arbor Day Foundation
The Arbor Day Foundation is a nonprofit conservation and education organization of one million members, with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. More information on the Foundation and its programs can be found at, or by visiting us on Facebook or Twitter
* "Plant-A-Tree Plan℠" is a registered Federal Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. All Rights Reserved.
** Donation totals are cumulative amongst the YEP family of brands.